work work work

"eeks, the korean post not out yet and there's no updates recently!" I know, I know and I feel really bad for the broken promise. There was an unexpected sudden rush of orders for the i heart rainy days earrings in response to ETSY's recent article and I had and still am working my butt off trying to complete them as fast as I possibly could so you don't have to wait too long. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but am feeling bad that I've to disappoint one or the other. It's times like this I wish I could either pause time or have more than 24 hours in a day and not feel sleepy.)

Pictures, pictures! 하하/Haha Taken them to show you I really wasn't skiving and praying you'll understand! And also to update and get you involved on Fleur Avenue's latest packaging! What do you think of the stamps? Do you like this black ribbon or the previous one (picture below)? I think black gives it a more timeless and classy feel, while the other gives me a more romantic and french-esque feel. What feeling does it gives you? Penny for your thoughts?
or is there a colour you much prefer? The packaging isn't for Fleur Avenue but for you, you are the recipient, so do let me know what you like, the more comments I get, helps me decide on what to order once this batch of ribbons run out!


Thank you ETSY for making this happen!