an idea struck me...

Over the weekend, as I browsing some lovely fashion illustrations and while creating a few new pair of earrings, which will be in store soon, a thought struck me.

Since I started Fleur Avenue months back, I had been cracking my head over how to visually merchandise my earrings online. I had no problems with rings and necklaces but earrings, it is!

The big disadvantage about having an online shop is one can't place the earring against their ears and look into the mirror like how they could do in store and I can't simply put on the earrings like how I put on necklaces ( I even stopped doing that, now I put them on hangers. ) and take a picture. Not only will that incur more material cost ( I will need an extra pair for photography), selling a used pair will be absolutely disgusting, unhygienic and immoral.

Having seen some shops pinning their earrings on magazines, I decided to give it a go. But wasn't very that satisfied with the results. ( shown below ).

So I scrap that idea and went back to thinking, what was the idea that struck my little head? Well, fashion illustrators played a big part to that idea. Having seen some gorgeous work. I was thinking, if I could illustrate a woman's head, then place the earring on the ear area, will that be better? So, I spent the Sunday sketching, erasing and drawing and the first picture above is what I got so far!

Will illustration help you visualize how the earring will look on you? If you got a suggestion, don't hesitate to let me know! I sure need some help!