Hello there...

Hello there,
I have been clearing my piles of beads off my desk and finally found a place where in belongs. In my wardrobe. After clearing out a whole wardrobe full of winter and out of date clothes, I wouldn't think of wearing in the next 5 years, I now have my lovely desk back to myself. YAY! *jumps around*

Since, I do have a never ending list of things to do, I find it pretty tiresome to shuffle between 2 blogs (Don't ask me why I want to manage 2 in the first place!? *slap self* guess I was trying to be clever =/)

Oh well, (shit happens...). After figuring out I only have 24 hrs a day with my not very smart brain, that theres is jewelry creation, photography, photoshop, listing, descriptions, flickr, networking, life and .... never ending list of things to do.... 2 blogs is getting a little too much for me...(Brenda promise to stop being so greedy.... although, I just sorta.. browse "nothingelegant.etsy.com" and want everything from her. =x)

Over the next week, I promise to try asap design a more simplified and more user friendly blog layout, list more items, blog more.... be it showing you my recent purchase, latest ideas, free giveaways, latest etsy and non etsy finds, inspiration ... and random rants on why that granny stole my chair while I wasn't looking..... I will blog!